The Rosary reminds us of the life of Jesus and Our Blessed Mother. These are the most important events in the lives of Jesus and Mary our Mother. We call the events Mysteries. There are four groups of Mysteries, The Joyful Mysteries, The Luminous Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries and The Glorious Mysteries.
The Rosary is made up of tiny beads that go around a circle. The Rosary has a Cross on it to remind us of Jesus who loved us so much that he died on the Cross for us.
The beads in the circle are divided into five groups for each of the five mysteries. Each group has ten beads that tell you to say The Hail Mary prayer ten times. Each group begins with one bead that tells you to say The Our Father prayer once.
We begin by making The Sign of The Cross. Holding the crucifix, we say the Apostles Creed. On the first bead we say one Our Father. On the next three beads we say Hail Mary. We then say one Glory Be to the Father followed by the Fatima Prayer. We say these for an increase in faith, hope and charity.
On the next bead, recall the first Mystery to be said( Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous or Glorious ) and recite the Our Father on the large bead. Say one Hail Mary for each of the ten small beads. On the next large bead, say the Glory Be to the Father and the Fatima Prayer.
Repeat for each of the remaining four decades. When the fifth decade is completed, we conclude by saying the Hail Holy Queen.
Please see previous post for the prayers of the Holy Rosary.
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